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English Learner (EL)

The program for English learners (ELs) is designed to improve the education of English learners by assisting them in learning English and in meeting state content standards. Curriculum follows grade level standards of learning and Virginia's English language proficiency (ELP) standards.

Virginia joined the World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium and adopted the following English language proficiency standards for implementation:

  • Standard 1: English learners communicate for social and instructional purposes.
  • Standard 2: English learners communicate for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
  • Standard 3: English learners communicate for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.
  • Standard 4: English learners communicate for academic success in the content area of Science.
  • Standard 5: English learners communicate for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.

EL students receive English language support in grades K-12. The EL teachers push-in, co-teach, or pull students out for instruction. EL teachers support both the EL students and the content teacher through differentiating and scaffolding material to make course content comprehensible and to assist EL students in developing academic language proficiency.

An important feature of the high school EL program is that even the entry level and beginning English learners can earn content area credits, required for graduation while receiving support for developing academic language skills and literacy skills. Through the International Academy within Alexandria City High School, students receive additional academic enrichment courses to support core content areas and have a dedicated team of teachers, a counselor, and a social worker.

EL Program Brochures