The Charles Barrett school policies included in this section are in addition to the ACPS School Board Policies. Visit the ACPS website to access the Alexandria City School Board Policy Manual.
- Attendance Policy
- Birthday Celebrations
- Classroom Celebrations of Success
- Dismissal Procedures
- Home/School Communication
- Kiss and Ride Arrival Policy
- School Hours
- Visiting Our School
- Playground Use After School
Attendance Policy
Poor attendance at school often results in less than satisfactory academic progress. Excused absences are granted for two reasons: illness and family emergencies. In each instance the absence must be verified with a note from parents or guardians when the child returns to school. Absences for any other reason are considered unexcused.
In accordance with the Virginia School Attendance Law of July, 1999, the parents of any student who continues to accumulate unexcused absences after being notified of attendance concerns by school personnel may be referred to a Truancy Panel that convenes at the Department of Court Services. After the seventh unexcused absence, the student and parents may be called to appear before the Juvenile Court Judge, and parents may be subject to legal penalties.
Students who attend our school as a result of an administrative transfer must maintain good attendance (including on-time arrivals) to remain in good standing. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the transfer request.
Birthday Celebrations
Children’s birthdays are recognized and celebrated through special announcements on our PA system by the principal.
Birthday parties are not permitted during the instructional day.
In keeping with the ACPS Student Wellness Policy (File:JHCF) and allergy concerns, outside food is not permitted to be shared with students.
We require that birthday celebrations are recognized through other means. Some suggestions for parents may include:
- Small goodie bags filled with non-food novelties such as erasers, pencils and stickers
- Balloon bouquet for student
- Provide a disposable crown for the day
- Donation of a book to the school library
Classroom Celebrations of Success
Criteria for awards (Grades 1-5 Only)
Academic Honor Roll (Certificate (3-5)
Student receives 3’s or 4’s in 3 of the 4 academic areas (Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science).
Life, Work and Citizenship Honor Roll (Grades 1-5)
Student earns 3's or 4's in all Life, Work and Citizenship Skills areas.
Improvement Award (Grades 1-5)
Students who exhibit extraordinary effort and have shown measurable improvement in any subject or behavioral area. This award will only be given during 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.
Outstanding Attendance
This award would be given at the end of the year only with one tardy allowed per quarter. Students whose absences for religious purposes or explained by a parent’s note are eligible for Outstanding Attendance.
Reading Certificate
Grade 1 and 2 students who meet their reading goals for the grade level.
“Celebrations of Success” There will be assemblies during the 2nd (February) and the 4th (June) quarters, and there will be a 5th Grade Promotion (June).
Classroom Celebrations will take place during the 1st and 3rd quarters. This would involve distribution of awards within the classroom.
Dismissal Procedures
School is dismissed at 2:35 p.m. Parents who pick their children up in the afternoon are asked to park their cars in the school parking lot or legal street spaces and walk to the front entrance to await their child (grades 1-5) if they are being dismissed from the walkers’ exit, or meet the kindergarten staff at the kindergarten entrance. Walkers will be dismissed from the front of the building. Kiss and Ride students are escorted to the parking lot by staff and will be monitored until their car arrives. Please stay in your vehicle if picking up your child from the Kiss and Ride Exit.
Please send a note to your child’s teacher whenever you need to pick your child up before 2:35 p.m., or whenever you need to change your child’s after school plans. This ensures appropriate communication and minimizes classroom disruptions.
Please note that we are not able to honor change-of-plans requests that are phoned in to the school office after 12:00 p.m.
It is essential we are given ample notice of bus/dismissal changes. Please send only authorized adults to pick up your children. Dismissal changes may be made phoned into the office, sent in with your child in writing, or e-mailed to cbdismissal@acps.k12.va.us.
Home/School Communication
School Newsletter
The school newsletter, The Barrett Buzz, is sent home every other Friday, with students. The newsletter reports on school and community events of interest, and highlights student and staff achievement. PTA news is included, also. Please check the “Buzz” for dates of upcoming school events.
Weekly Assignment Sheet
A weekly assignment sheet (otherwise known as the "Homework Sheet" or the "Green Sheet") is sent home each day with students in grades K-2. This sheet details daily homework assignments and makes comments as necessary about the student's day. Parents are asked to review the assignment sheet with their child and initial it each day. A space for parent comments and questions is provided. Completed and signed sheets/agendas should be returned to school daily. Students in grades 3-5 will have daily agenda books.
Grade-Level Newsletter/Syllabi
Grade level newsletters/syllabi are sent home by classroom teachers at the beginning of each quarter to provide an overview of learning objectives, content, and activities that will be the focus for the nine week period.
Parent Information at School
A Parent Information Bulletin Board and rack are maintained in the main lobby.
Kiss and Ride Arrival Policy
Parents are encouraged to use the Kiss and Ride area in the parking lot when dropping children off in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon. However, you may drop your child in front of the building at our walker entrance on either side of the front entrance if you follow the posted signage (no adult assistance unloading your car is available). Many families choose to park close to the school and walk their children to our main entrance each day, avoiding the traffic caused by bus arrivals.
Please refrain from leaving your car unattended in the Kiss and Ride area. Please park your car in the parking lot area and walk your child into the building if you arrive after 8:00. Children who are tardy must be signed in with the attendance clerk by the parent or guardian. The very front of the building is designated for the school bus. Please only stop your car in legal areas and remember to follow the direction of our school staff and crossing guards.
Please do not allow your child to exit the car on the ‘street side,’ and ensure you are not blocking the crosswalk or any intersection when stopping your car for drop off. Follow street signage to avoid being ticketed, towed or creating a dangerous situation for our students
All students gather at the front of the building and are lined up by grade level each day. Our kindergarten students enter through a separate entrance and exit (door 18). Staff and student safety patrols are outside to assistant and supervise each day beginning at 7:30am.
School Hours
School hours are 8:00 a.m. to 2:35 p.m.
Classrooms open at 7:50 a.m. We request that all children are in their classrooms at this time so academic activities can begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. A child is tardy after 8:00 a.m. and must be signed in by their parent in the main office.
Breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m.
Early Dismissal hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Consistent and punctual attendance plays a key role in ensuring a child's academic success. Please help us to help your child succeed in school by:
- Seeing that your child comes to school on time every day unless he or she is physically ill
- Scheduling family vacations and trips around the school calendar
- Attempting to schedule doctor and dentist appointments around school hours
- Verifying with the classroom teacher that all "make-up" work has been completed.
Please notify the office by 9:00 a.m. if your child will be absent that day. Also, please send a written note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. Absences due to extended illness require a doctor’s note. You will receive an automated phone call if your child is marked absent.
Visiting Our School
We welcome all parents into our school, and encourage you to visit your child's classroom. To avoid any possible disruption to the learning process, we do ask you to call the office (824-6960) so a mutually convenient date and time can be determined.
The safety and security of every Barrett child is of utmost importance to us. For this reason we do require that you always stop in the office to enter your name/location/time/date into our computerized log-in system before proceeding to any other part of the building.
Playground Use After School
We ask that parents closely supervise children, as they play on the equipment and in the mulched play areas.
Students should refrain from the following:
- Tree climbing
- Playing in the gardens (especially fenced areas)
- Playing with stones
The school clinic closes at dismissal, and the office closes at 4:00 p.m. Injured students must be treated by the supervising adult beginning at 2:35pm. First aid supplies are available in the office after dismissal if needed by parents.